About freelancer.com
Freelancer.com is one of the best marketplaces of the world. Its popularity is increasing day by day. Now its registered members are more than 2 million.
It registration and working method is easy.
Every day more than 3000 new projects posted on freelancer. It is a reliable site not only for a buyer but also a freelance provider. Buyer can post a job for low cost in this site and provider also do that job with low project fee.
You have to pay 10% for project fee and as a gold member, you have to pay only 3%. To know more… watch this video.
It registration and working method is easy.
Every day more than 3000 new projects posted on freelancer. It is a reliable site not only for a buyer but also a freelance provider. Buyer can post a job for low cost in this site and provider also do that job with low project fee.
You have to pay 10% for project fee and as a gold member, you have to pay only 3%. To know more… watch this video.