2:46:00 AM

How to sign up or create account on freelancer.com

How to sign up on freelancer

Step 1:
go http://freelancer.com

Step 2:
Now click “sign up now for free."

Step 3:

You will see a page like this. Now fill up the form. Give a username as toy wish.I am: ‘looking for work’ if you are a buyer then select other option. Email format: “text” or “HTML” any. Select “I agree with terms…”If you want to be a gold member also choose “yes I would…” as a gold member you will get many facilities, but you have to pay $19.95 monthly. It is optional you can upgrade to gold member later if you want.Now click next.

Step 4:
Now check your email freelancer will send you an email with a code. Just copy and paste it into the box and click “enter.”

Step 5:
in this step fill up your contact information.
Click on the “Notifications”.
Now select some work category that you can do. You can select maximum 25 items
Vision: give your vision with freelancer.com
Keywords: write some name of work category that you can do.
Hourly rate: you can give anything as you wish but as a new provider you shouldn’t give more than $5.you can change it later. Now click “sign up.”
Your sign up is complete!!