Step 1:
Log in to your account and click “astore”
You will see this step when you want to g "aStore" for the 2nd time.
Write an Id as you wish and click "search."
if it is available, then click "continue."
Step 2:
Now click “Add category page.”
Step 3:
Select “Add products by category.”
Click “select an Amazon category.”
Step 4:
click to any category
Step 5:
select "include all..."
then "save."
Step 6:
If you want, you can edit your "keyword."
click "continue."
Step 7:
Now choose them from the list, you can also change page background, text color, etc.
Now click “continue.”
Step 8:
Now choose “Sidebar placement.”
And select all the option there.
Click “finish and get link.”
Step 9:
collect your link.
By clicking “view store,” you can see you store.